Army Robotics Expo (ARX) 2022: Event Recap

Event Recap

Date published
September 7, 2022
Matthew Smith
Account and Marketing Director

The Army Robotics Expo (ARX) 2022 is part of the Chief of Army Symposium (CAS) 2022 Expo Series. This event aims to demonstrate Australian industry Robotic and Autonomous (RAS) technologies and observe concepts that adjust to potential capability as identified within the Arm RAS Strategy

Raymond at our Chironix ARX stand

This year, Chironix exhibited at this expo to a group of over 500pax across Defence and Government. Three of the team were sent and we were lucky enough to meet some special attendees, including Steve Baxter from Australia's very own SharkTank. 

Raymond meeting Steve Baxter from Shark Tank Australia

After a full two days of looking over what is available in the industry and showing where Chironix is in its journey, it was plain to see we are a lot further along than most on this journey in human–machine teaming. We have discovered a number of potential partners and businesses we would like to work with over the next few months.

Daniel Milford (CEO) on another video interview

Our Chironix approach to being robot-agnostic got a good reception. We also highlighted our focus to give simple and usable features to the end user — an example of which was the gesture control we’ve been developing as a feature of PilotOS! 

We want to give a shout out to those that came to see us and had a chat. Also to the team at the office — keep up the great work!

About PilotOS

PilotOS is the Chironix solution to communication between robots and humans in a hybrid workforce. The hardware-half is known as Chiropack — the package of sensors that enable the robotic behaviors from teleoperation to GPS waypoint navigation.

The combination PilotOS and Chiropack allows robots to take care of the dull, dirty, dangerous and dear tasks, acting as a field-service agent from a central command and control in indoor/outdoor situations.